Dear Valued Clients
HMM office at Level 1, 12-16 Wallis Street Forster is still open and operating. Our priority is to keep assisting clients to meet all ATO lodgement requirements as well as continuing to provide ongoing advice and assistance regarding access to all levels of government stimulus measures.
However, in the interests of safety to our clients and staff we have limited face to face appointments for the foreseeable future.
The office is still open to drop in your financial records, sign documents etc. We have a table in the foyer for this purpose. We ask that you please respect our COVID-19 requirements including safe distancing, these requirements are for your safety as well as the safety of the HMM staff.
Records can also be emailed to us at, please include yours or your entities name in the subject line to assist the staff.
Records can also be posted to us at: HMM Accountants and Business Consultants, PO Box 143, Forster NSW 2428
We will continue to email or post your tax returns and financial records back to you for signing but we also have digital signing capabilities which we will be our first preference. The ATO accepts digital signatures as an acceptable form of signing.
Please note all payment details are included on the bottom of your invoice and we would appreciate your prompt attention to payment. As a small business like many of our clients we rely on being paid promptly to enable us to continue to provide the services that all our clients require and will continue to require during the difficult COVID-19 period.
Please stay safe and do not hesitate to contact the office on 65547955 with any queries you have or any assistance you may require.
Andrew, Andrew and the HMM Team
Boosting cash flow for employers PAYGW credits
Working from home during COVID-19 what you can claim
Treasury Stimulus Measures
Economic Response to the Coronavirus
Supporting Individuals and Households
Supporting the Flow of Credit Via Banks
Business Support
Coronavirus information and support for business (federal government)
COVID-19 help for small business (NSW government)
Payroll tax & Land Tax (NSW) and COVID-19
Fairwork and Stood Down Employees
NSW Industrial Relations COVID-19 Long Service Leave Act FAQ
Australian Banking Association COVID-19 Support
Business Australia Practical things to do while you wait for Jobkeeper
Business Australia Employer Toolkit
Other Information
MYOB Essentials Jobkeeper Payment Instructions
MYOB AccountRight Jobkeeper Payment Instructions
1st Floor Forster Tower
12-16 Wallis Street
Forster NSW 2428
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.